New Released Microsoft 70-484 Real Exam Questions Provided By Braindump2go For Free Download (141-150)

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When your app provides result suggestions to the user performing a search, which event is fired to indicate that a suggested result has been selected by the user?

A.    ResultSuggestionChosen
B.    QuerySubmitted
C.    QueryChanged
D.    SuggestionsRequested

Answer: B

You are about to implement shared content via your app.
Which event should you handle to provide the data you plan to share from an app page?

A.    OnNavigatedTo
B.    OnNavigatedFrom
C.    DataRequested
D.    Loaded

Answer: C

After you finish processing the data shared by another app, which method should you invoke to inform the system of completion?

A.    ReportCompleted
B.    ReportDataRetrieved
C.    ReportStarted
D.    ReportError

Answer: B

You are developing a game from which you will allow users to share their achievements with other users.
You cannot exit the UI nor can you use the charms bar to open the Share charm.
What is the best solution for such a requirement?

A.    Save the data in local storage and share it later when the app resumes.
B.    Save the data in local storage and upload it to a server using background tasks.
C.    Use DataTransferManager.ShowShareUI() to programmatically open the Share charm.
D.    Use DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView() to programmatically open the Share charm.

Answer: C

You are developing a Windows Store game and want to save user settings when the app is suspended.
Which data storage strategy should you use?

A.    Save the settings in local storage and retrieve when needed.
B.    Save in the local registry and read from it when needed.
C.    Save in the roaming app data store and read from it when needed.
D.    Save in the local directory and read from the file when needed.

Answer: C

You are required to provide a list of permissions used in your app.
This list is displayed via the Settings charm.
How should you implement this requirement?

A.    Create a command in the Settings charm.
When it is fired, a pop-up dialog box opens with a list of all the permissions used by the app.
B.    The package manifest is used to declare all the capabilities used by the app.
The Permissions command automatically populates the Settings pane with this list.
C.    Create a command in the Settings charm.
When it is fired, a settings flyout opens with a list of all the permissions used by the app.
D.    Create a command in the Settings charm.
When it is fired, navigate the user to a new page that displays a list of all the permissions
used by the app.

Answer: B

You are using roaming app data storage to store the settings of your app.
Your app should update the stored settings whenever the user changes them.
What should you do to implement this requirement?

A.    Nothing; data is automatically updated in the data store by the Settings contract.
B.    Call the SignalDataChanged method after saving the data in the ApplicationDataContainer.
C.    Subscribe to the DataChanged event; when this event is raised, save the updated data in the roaming store.
D.    When the app is being suspended, save a copy of the data in the roaming app data store.

Answer: B

You are developing a Windows Store app that enables users to download their photos from social networking sites; manipulate them; and share them with friends through email, Twitter, and Facebook.
Your app shows a list of photos that the user viewed recently as well as their modified versions. Which file storage options should you use? (Choose all that apply.)

A.    Use the roaming application data store to save the processed files so that they are available on all devices.
B.    Use the temporary application data store to save a copy of the original and processed files.
C.    Use Windows Azure to store processed files and access these files on other devices owned by the user.
D.    Use the roaming application data store to store the list of files accessed recently.
E.    Use your application’s install location to store all the files.

Answer: BCD

You have developed a Windows Store app for authors to help them publish their books using various publication services. An author has one or more titles under development at any time.
In your application’s hub page, a list of recently accessed files is displayed.
They are optionally grouped by title and date.
What should you implement in your app so that users can quickly access their work?

A.    Use a local database with your application to store the list of files recently accessed.
B.    Use the MRU list and the future access list to store the list of files recently accessed.
C.    Use the roaming application data store to store the list of files recently accessed.
D.    Use the temporary application data store to store the list of files recently accessed.

Answer: B

You have developed a Windows Store app that enables a user to read news items.
The app uses a subscription-based news feed to fetch news items after the user provides his or her credentials for the service.
What is the correct way to use the roaming application data store in such an app?

A.    Store the user’s credentials in a file so the app can use it across multiple devices.
B.    Store the most recently read article so that it opens if the reader closed the application while reading the article.
C.    Store the ID of the article being read currently so the ID can be accessed on any other device to open the news item.
D.    Store the top news articles for the day so they are available in all the user’s devices.

Answer: C

All 162 Microsoft 70-484 Exam Dumps Questions are the New Checked and Updated! In recent years, the 70-484 certification has become a global standard for many successful IT companies. Looking to become a certified Microsoft professional? Download Braindump2go 2015 Latest Released 70-484 Exam Dumps Full Version and Pass 70-484 100%!


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Post Author: mavis



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